For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. AMEN!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Transformation or Fluke?

If you're coming here from the online newsletter I sent out June 2011, thank you! I am really excited for you to read the transformation these young ladies are experiencing. God is so good. Praise Him for Genevieve and Natasha!

(By the way, my answer to my own question is definitely TRANSFORMATION. Read their stories to see what I mean...

GENEVIEVE HALLEY (wrestler, U of Calgary)
" "retirement" (from being a slave to my sport)  was put to the test really quickly when I got back (from National Training Camp)! Read more!

NATASHA CHENG (wrestler, Brock University)
I reflect on the last 3 months, and its been tough. I am a second year Kinesiology student, wrestling for Brock University, at least I thought that is who I wrestled for. Read more!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life is Full


I'm baaaack :) After a wonderful 14 months off with my beautiful girls & hubby, I am back at work. Two weeks ago the new routine began and as the title of my blog states, LIFE IS FULL! I am loving this new stage and look forward to seeing what God is going to do through my ministry.

So, since Olivia goes to school Mon/Wed/Fri, I work those days while Jordyn is cared for by my dear mom one day and the other two at my neighbour's behind me. It's great how everything worked out regarding care for Jordyn and I am so thankful to God for that.

I am focusing on support raising with a bit of time doing what I absolutely love...mentoring young women/athletes. I've had a chance already to meet with a few of them and WOW, how energizing! It's really cool knowing that I am furthering the kingdom sitting in Starbuck's over a tea with a young girl or sitting at the cafeteria with an Ottawa U student between classes...all the while talking about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the hope we have in Him, and how all of that sees us through each day.

I hope to be at full support within the next couple of months. I am presently at 75% and would ask for your prayers that the remaining 25% does come in soon as my strong desire is to focus all my working hours on mentorship/discipleship. Thank you so much!

Thank you also for your continued support in prayer, finances, encouraging words, scripture... They are blessings.

By the way, did you notice my poll to the left of my blog? Would love to hear from you on that! Please participate!

Have a wonderful week! (Feel free to leave comment here or email me directly. It's always nice to hear from you; how you're doing...prayer requests...praise items).

P.S. If you're reading this and you have no idea what I'm doing or you don't know why I addressed this blog "Hi TEAM", please ask - don't be shy! I'd love to share with you what God has laid on my heart.
Jordyn with her favourite book
Olivia at school

Monday, July 19, 2010


Have you heard of the My Hands On Bible distributed by Tyndale? I have gone through some of the devotionals and it looks really easy to incorporate into every day life. The devotionals and activities are family-friendly and they are sure to leave lasting impressions on everyone who takes part.

So, there's a give-a-way! Take advantage of the FREE learning tools. You must login which I've done and the resources are pdf downloads. 

Canadian Ladybug Reviews is giving away a copy! Go enter~your children will love this Bible! (ENDS 7/30)